If you're looking to purchase Chinese products from Taobao but find it challenging due to language barriers, shipping restrictions, or payment issues, OrientdigOrientdigOrientdig
The first step is to create an account on the Orientdig
Next, visit Taobao and search for the products you want to purchase. You can use this external link, which contains a detailed spreadsheet of recommended products and their details. This resource is particularly useful if you're looking for high-quality items at affordable prices. Once you've identified your desired items, copy their product links or item IDs.
After finding your products, head back to the OrientdigOrientdig
Once your order is confirmed, Orientdig
After your items are shipped, Orientdig
For a curated list of affordable and high-quality products, don’t forget to check out the product spreadsheet. This resource is regularly updated to help you find the best deals on Taobao.
Using OrientdigOrientdig